Colorful Nature Hunt

There's nothing sweeter than seeing your child excitedly exploring nature and all the beautiful colors associated with it. We've got a great outdoors use for our Color Educational Toddler Set Placemat and we wanted to tell you all about it!



All you need for this fun activity is one of our Color Mats from the Educational Placemat Toddlers Set, and a beautiful outdoor space full of natural treasures to discover. Challenge your little explorer to find something in nature which matches each color on the mat.



It was no surprise to use that our explorer sprinted straight to a huge pink bush to add her favorite color to the mat first. She was so excited to add a beautiful flower to the pink square, and quickly followed it by also adding a red flower and some crumpled brown leaves.

As she added each treasure, we spoke about the color and also the textures. This is a great opportunity to encourage your child to explore their senses. What can they see, smell and feel? You can model new vocabulary to help them, and also use simple prompt questions to extend the conversation.



After much exploring outside we settled on not being able to find anything blue or black in our yard. We decided to head to the woods the next day to finish our hunt. If you want to make the hunt portable, simply ask your child to add a little tape to the treasures. This is a fun way to extend the activity and further develop their fine motor skills.



This was such a great way to spend a sunny afternoon outside exploring colors and textures. We can't wait to try it again at different locations such as the woods and the beach!

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